This section of our website has been developed to profile some of the array of timbers and finishes that we utilise at Sawdust Bureau. This list is by no means exhaustive, but we have just picked out some of our favourites.
Being a proudly Australian-based studio we are committed to use only 100% sustainably grown, FSC certfied or reclaimed, Australian native timber species.
We consider the use of imported or tropical hardwoods to be an un-necessary luxury, especially given the quality and improved sustainability of utilising timber we have available in our own backyard. The illegal logging of old growth, tropical timbers is literally killing our planet and we don't want to be part of it.
Click here to learn about the finishes that we use to protect the timber.
Timber 101
Victorian Ash
Eucalyptus regans & delegatensi

Also referred to as Alpine Ash, Tasmanian Oak and Mountain Ash. It is one of the tallest trees in the world reaching heights of over 110m.
Vic Ash is fast growing and highly resistant to insect attacks making it a solid choice in terms of sustainability. It is commonly straight grained, with shallow gum veins and can feature stunning fiddleback.
Colour: Light Blond > Pale Pink
Source: South-Eastern Aus & Tasmania
Durability: 3/5
Material Cost: 3/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Dining Tables, Built-in Joinery.
Eucalyptus obliqua

Covers many sub-species from the Vic Ash/Tasmanian Oak family, but we generally consider it to be a more heavily ‘featured’ timber than the straighter grain varieties. Dramatic deep gum veins, swirling growth rings and nail holes tend to be common.
Colour: Blond > Caramel
Source: South-Eastern Aus & Tasmania
Durability: 3/5
Material Cost: 3/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Dining Tables, Built-in Joinery, Cafe fitouts.
Eucalyptus pililaris

Blackbutt is one of Australia's key hardwoods - renowned for its high quality, ease of regeneration and rapid growth. Hard wearing and relatively straight-grained with shallow gum veins make it ideal for all forms of furniture and joinery.
Colour: Blond > Light Brown Tones
Source: Southern QLD & Northern NSW
Durability: 4/5
Material Cost: 4/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Beds, Dining Tables, Bathroom Vanities, Benchtops, Built-in Joinery, Outdoor Furniture.
Spotted Gum
Corymbia maculata

Spotted Gum is a premium Aussie native hardwood in terms of both durability and sustainability. It features a spectacular heartwood ranging in colour from light brown through to dark red-brown hues. Sapwood is usually white to light brown in colour. The presence of a wavy grain can produce an attractive fiddle-back figure.
Colour: Medium Brown > Orange/Caramel
Source: QLD, NSW & VIC
Durability: 4/5
Material Cost: 4.5/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Dining Tables, Bathroom Vanities, Benchtops, Built-in Joinery, Outdoor Furniture.
Grey Ironbark
Eucalyptus paniculata

Ironbark got it’s name for a reason - it is literally as tough as old nails!
Hard to work, hard on tools, hard on the maker…but such a beautiful Australian native. Indigenous people have used it for thousands of years in spear making and it’s bark for medicinal purposes.
One of our absolute favourite timbers - warm tones, tight grain and a deep patina.
Colour: Grey / Chocolate Brown > Reds
Source: Southern QLD & Northern NSW
Durability: 5/5
Material Cost: 5/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Dining Tables, Boardroom Tables.
Red Ironbark
Eucalyptus sideroxylon

Shares a lot of the characteristics with it’s Grey Ironbark brother, although the tones are a deeper, dark red to red-brown. Red Ironbark also features distinctive pale yellow sapwood.
It is a very hard (almost indestructibly hard) and durable species - ideal for large, heavy dining or boardroom tables.
Colour: Grey / Chocolate Brown > Reds
Source: Southern QLD & Northern NSW
Durability: 5/5
Material Cost: 5/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Dining Tables, Boardroom Tables.
Eucalyptus marginata

Jarrah is a uniquely Australian hardwood renowned for its versatility. Its durability and strength make it an ideal timber for a range of applications.
For us this timber reflects the hues of the Western Australian landscape. The texture is moderately coarse with an even-textured grain while it tends upon darken with exposure to light.
Colour: Deep Red > Chocolate
Source: Souther West WA
Durability: 3/5
Material Cost: 5/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Hallway tables, Bedside Tables.
Red Gum
Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Another iconic Australian native, which is most widely distributed along inland rivers, dry watercourses and flood plains in every state except Tasmania.
Red gum is so named for its brilliant red wood, which can range from a light pink through to almost black, depending on the age and weathering. Traditionally used in rot resistant applications like stumps, fence posts and railway sleepers.
Colour: Deep Red > Pink > Black
Source: All states except Tasmania
Durability: 4.5/5
Material Cost: 5/5
Applications: Coffee Tables, Hallway tables, Bedside Tables.
Interior Finishes


With regards finishing and protecting our work we firmly believe natural is always best. In our opinion timber should look and feel like timber rather than being encased under a plastic, lacquered finish.
Danish Oil
Danish oil is our prefered finish for pieces such as coffee tables and cabinets. We apply 4-6 hand-rubbed coats of traditional Danish Oil. These hard-drying finishes provide a tough, water-resistant coating to the timber. Once the oil has cured, the piece is hand burnished with steel wool to 'develop' the finish further.Depending on the desired sheen a furniture wax is added on top of the oil to form a silky satin layer or it can be buffed to a gloss finish whilst still retaining the natural character of the timber.
Osmo® Poly X Hardwax Oil
Osmo ® Hardwax finishes are based on natural oils and waxes. The oil penetrates into the wood surface, protecting the wood from deep within, while the waxes form an elastic, micro porous surface which protects the wood from moisture and abrasion. The wood remains naturally beautiful, protected and durable. It is 100% foodsafe and therefore ideally suited for dining tables and kitchen benches.
Unlike polyurethene-based varnishes, Osmo ® Hardwax oil requires minimal effort to maintain. Instead of a full sand back and recoat (the way in which a varnish would require), you can 'spot repair' any damaged areas. This should allow your piece of furniture to last for generations.
Exterior Finishes

Cutek® CD 50™ or Extreme™
All our outdoor timber furniture products are oiled with 3-4 coats of Cutek ® Extreme™.
Most timber coatings form a film on the surface to keep water out and produce a faux colour. Cutek oils however, penetrate into the wood and protect from within. They never peel or flake. Maintenance is a simple clean and recoat – no sanding or stripping needed. Wood that is left to silver after coating with Cutek oils can be easily restored to a beautiful natural look even after years of weathering.